Webinar On Demand: Are Your Projects Delivering Impact?

31 July 2023

Peter Glynne was recently appointed Director of Consultancy with Auxilion. Peter is an industry veteran with decades of experience consulting in government, healthcare, and financial services. He is also President-Elect of the Irish Chapter of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and has authored a book for the organisation, “Benefits-Led Change: Maximising Value.”

Auxilion hosted a webinar event in support of Peter’s book and its core messaging on Thursday, August 31st. During this event, Peter discussed the benefits-led change approach and how it can benefit your organisation.

  • This webinar takes the business leadership perspective on getting the results you want from your organisation’s change. It is specifically for those leaders who are struggling to ensure that beneficial change is being realised for their organisation as intended.
  • The session is targeted at leaders who are deciding strategy, managing operations, overseeing projects, or all three.
  • It provides a practical approach to guide the organisation through the necessary ‘hearts and minds’ change to put in place effective Benefits-Led Change.
  • Putting in place the necessary leadership, cultural change, and ‘how to’ approach requires an organisation-wide commitment through targeted leadership, governance and assurance. This webinar provides practical guidance towards building this infrastructure.

Peter Glynne: “If you’re a leader or decision maker who’s not seeing the impact that you want from projects, then this webinar is for you. It will focus on benefits-led change- in other words, on methods for maximising value from projects and realising the results your organisation needs.

“Successful organisations thrive on change- but it’s essential that this change is managed effectively. This webinar outlines methods for realising your organisation’s goals by maximising return on investment for change programmes and projects. It provides clear direction and support for business leaders who want to embrace benefits-led change.”

You can download our webinar below to discover how your organisation can achieve its goals by embracing benefits-led change.


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