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Auxilion Modern Workplace: Employee Onboarding Timelines

21 February 2023

This is the second in a series of blogs on the benefits of Auxilion Modern Workplace. You can find the first blog here.

Organisations are constantly looking for ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and ROI. One of the most effective methods for achieving this is to develop an efficient and comprehensive onboarding process. This allows new hires and movers within an organisation to reach full productivity as quickly as possible. Auxilion Modern Workplace’s onboarding support can reduce full onboarding time by 50%.

We recently published our guide to structuring and resourcing your onboarding experience. This guide provides the essential details on developing an effective onboarding process which will be accessible and supportive for all employees. You can fill in the form at the bottom of this page to download our guide to developing a comprehensive and efficient employee onboarding timeline, with the necessary steps for each phase.


Auxilion Modern Workplace 

Beyond onboarding support, Auxilion Modern Workplace provides a range of benefits across an organisation. AMW supports employee wellbeing, engagement, productivity, and retention. It significantly increases the efficiency of processes around Starter/Mover/Leaver and aligns projects and actions with overall business objectives.

Insight & Ongoing Support

Auxilion’s partnering style allows our experts to develop a true understanding of your organisation’s unique challenges and objectives. This means that we can provide insights and recommendations on how AMW can benefit you. We will work with you to design and implement an effective Auxilion Modern Workplace strategy and will provide ongoing support throughout the process.


Auxilion Modern Workplace: Key Benefits

Auxilion Modern Workplace uses the full suite of Microsoft Viva tools to create a range of benefits across your organisation.

Faster Onboarding Process

Auxilion Modern Workplace enables a 50% reduction in full onboarding time

Improved Search & Discovery

Enables a 50% reduction in employee search time by organising resources and information for accessibility

Improved Employee Engagement & Retention

Improves employee retention through consistent insights and engagement

Employee Wellbeing

Supports employee wellbeing and motivation through a range of applications

Time Savings for Operations Teams

Increases efficiency through tooling and automation

Improved Business Outcomes

Aligns actions and projects with desired outcomes throughout an organisation

Flexibility & Expansion

Designed for easy integration, flexibility, and expansion

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Download your copy of our Modern Workplace guide for Onboarding Timelines today

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